
In November 2018, Hainan ForAvo agricultural technology co., ltd. formally cooperated with the AvoOwner in South Africa to set up a joint venture. The joint venture will greatly increase avocado market share in China through existing trading and distribution channels all over China and establish additional avocado farming operations in Hainan province. The joint venture will offer Chinese companies and individuals the opportunity to purchase avocado usufruct both in South Africa and in China avocado orchards.


A subsidiary of ForAvo will be established in South Africa to take advantage of export opportunities such as avocado fruits, avocado oil, guacamole, seed, plant material and by-products such as avocado tea and facial masks. ForAvo has the largest avocado nurseries in China producing more than 500 000 avocado trees per annum. AvoOwner and ForAvo will offer Chinese farmers and growers training courses to learn how to produce avocados including joining ForAvo avocado orchards, and provide related technical services such as planting, management and pest control.

Phone:17330839598  Emil:info@foravo.com marketing@foravo.com

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